Monday, June 18, 2012

Tuesday 12.06

I met Sabrina at the PH at 12 for lunch as usual. We ate lunch. Then I headed to class from 2-4 and then 4-6. Our first class was with Kornetta. It was our last time in that class, which is sad. I'll miss it. It was a lot of fun. We talked about differences between America and Germany, specific what people wear. When you get down to it, it is hard to tell the difference. But then again, I could pick an American out of a crowd of Germans any day and visa versa.
In our class with Anderson, the other two groups presented on what they saw in Berlin. We talked about the Jüdisches Museum.
After class I went to Sabrina's for dinner. We had bread, meat, and cheese. Typical :) We were both super tired, so I went home around 10. There was a party at the PH. I did not go. I can't imagine how tired I would have been after that.

Lots of love from Germany!!

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