Today was my long awaited trip to the zoo! It ended up just being Jason, Katy See, and myself. Sabrina was supposed to come but she was
The zoo was gorgeous. I know I know I know. I say that allllllll the time. But this area, the country, everything is just gorgeous! The zoo has great landscaping and is on a big hill so you get a nice workout while walking around! ;) The major downfall was they didn't have any dolphins, whales, dolphins, sea otters, or dolphins. They were really lacking in the marine mammal area. I just wanted to see a dolphin... But they did have seals!
As we were walking into the zoo the first animals we noticed were some flamingos and a beautiful peacock who was a little too shy to show us his feathers long enough for a picture!
One of the best parts of the zoo were the monkeys! They had a lot of different kinds of monkeys. There were some whose every thought and action was narrated by the lovely Jason. Katy and I were crying we were laughing so hard, but it could have also been the stench making our eyes water... Another kind of monkey were these tiny little guys. They were so energetic and rambunctious! Then there were these monkeys who seemed like they could have just jumped out of their enclosure and attacked us! We thought they were going to at one point! They all of a sudden all sat up straight and screeched! It happened two more times before a zoo keeper appeared with a bucket full of apples for them! It was so funny once we got over how terrifying the whole event was.
In the aquarium, where there was a serious lack of marine mammals, I did end up finding Dory, Marlin and Nemo! That made me pretty happy.
Crazy cool looking fish |
We saw tons of animals like tigers and cheetahs and elephants and bears and kangaroos and a ton more.
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Just for you Emily Dean :) |
Llamas for Ilana |
From the zoo we found a place to eat lunch. I think it was called Cafe im Marktplatz but I'm not sure. Jason and I each got a beer. They came in the cool pottery cups. Katy got a coke bigger than her face.
Our food was sooooo good. Worth every penny. We couldn't even finish it all! Anja met us there and then showed us around a little bit. Jason ended up stopping in H&M and as his shopping buddy I stopped in there too. He ended up buying a sweet pair of sunglasses that fold up! They are awesome!
From there Anja showed us Stuttgart's little piece of the beach. It's called the sky beach. It is on the top of a building downtown. They have chairs and beds all around. You can get a few drinks too. If it had been a nice warm sunny day, I never would have left. It was hard to leave regardless.
Anja brought us home and Jason came back to the apartment with me because we were planning on going bowling with our hosts. Christina and Anja had already planned it all out. Danielle and Krzysztof ended up coming with us too along with Christina's friend Ina. We played two games. I won both (and got like 4 strikes or something just for Sabrina, only because she asked). Even after Danielle and I had split two pitchers of beer :) Our high fives sucked, until we watched each others elbows. It's a great trick, especially when you are tipsy... At the bowling alley they were playing some great tunes too! It made it all the more fun.
After bowling we went to a bar for one more drink, I had apple juice and then headed home. I was pretty much asleep before I even made it to my bed. I was exhausted. It was a looooooong day but a fun day!
Happy: bowling and seeing all the silly monkeys!
Crappy: Sabrina being sick and not being able to join in on the fun!
Lots of love from Germany!
Katy Jo
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