Thursday, June 14, 2012

Friday 25.05

We had class today. We had our grammar/speaking class from 8:30-12. I honestly don't enjoy that class or get much at all out of it. Others feel the exact opposite. I don't know. I catch on to grammar concepts quickly so that could be part of it I guess. Anyway.....
We then had a 2 and a half hour break before we had class with Herr Kornetta from 14.30-16.30. It gave us all a chance to sit in the Mensa and hang out, do homework and have something to eat. Well for Sara and I it became much more than that. Bully was with us of course. And he, being the most important man in our lives, got lots of attention from us (aka another photo session).
Doing homework

Caught texting!

Take that Maultaschen!

All dressed up and no where to go!

Nice belt :)
Saying we had fun is a total understatement. We were in hysterics. Like couldn't breathe. Bully may or may not have had his first date too. Vanessa had been eying him since the day we brought him home. We gave them 2 minutes of supervised time together. We'll see how the relationship progresses.
From there Sara and I were outside having a lovely heart to heart. Being here has really made me think about my life. More on that later...
We had class with Herr Kornetta. We ended up talking about piercings and tattoos. I'm one of the few in the entire group that has no interest in getting a tattoo. Crazy! Each of us had to talk for a minute about the best parts of the trip so far. One of the first things I said was that our group is more like a family than friends, which got a big fat old "awwwwwwwwww" from everyone :)
After class most of the group went into town to grab a burger and then do some last minute shopping before heading to Berlin for a week!

 I went home, did laundry, wrote some journals and packed. Angela was going to come and spend the night but she had to wait for her laundry to dry, which took an eternity.

Happy: BULLY :D
Crappy: not having a dryer...

Lots of love from Germany!

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