Today I got up kinda early to meet Jason at Marktplatz, just cause. He wanted to go to H&M and I needed to exchange some American $$ for €€. Well I got to the bus stop and the bus wasn't supposed to come for almost 20 minutes! So I just walked.
The view whilest walking |
I got about half way to the Markplatz before the bus had caught up to me. I found Jason at H&M and we walked to City Center. There we bumped into Danielle and Krzysztof. I was still not able to exchange my money after going to 2 different banks which was frustrating. Jason got yet more döner and the four of us walked to the bus stop where almost everyone else in the group was waiting.
Jason, his döner, and one of the many unicorns around town |
We arrived at PH and had our Berlin culture class again with Professor Anderson. Not to much to report on all of that. The coolest part is the chalkboards. There are two of them and they slide up and down. It's pretty fascinating to me hahaha.
After class we all went back to Marktplatz to have a drink or two at M7. I tried another beer, Becks. It was decent. Not as good as the first two I tried on Monday. Thomas got a drink called a jumping kangaroo. And Becky tried pizza with bacon on it for the first time. Plus Angela and Jason got döner. Yeah that's twice in one day for him. His breath stunk.
Thomas and his jumping kangaroo |
Angela and her döner. I tried it, not too bad :) |
Our pizza with *gasp* bacon! |
From there Angela and I went to my house, grabbed some clothes for the party that night and headed to meet up with her host Annika. We went and bought some wine and more pizza and went to Annika's apartment. Between the two of us, Angela and I had two bottles of wine, but she drank more of it than I did. We met a lot of Annika's friends and really hit it off with a few of them! :) When Annika realized that we needed to leave to catch the bus, it was a little too late. We tried running to the bus stop, but it just drove right past us as we shouted and sprinted towards it. So what the 5 of us almost drunk girls do? We just continued to walk! It was kind of fun! It gave Ang and I a chance to get to know Annika's friends better. Finally Annika's friend Felix came and rescued us :)
We finally made it to the loud crowded party that was held in an old slaughter house (totally grosses me out) and had a couple more drinks and danced the night away. Honestly, it was more fun than prom. By 2 am I was pooped, but we didn't end up leaving until 4! 0_0
I spent the night at Annika's because 1) I knew I would never wake up on time to catch the train to Stuttgart if I was alone and 2) there was no stinking way I was walking home at 4 am! So Ang and I snuggled up and passed out!
It sounds like you're having a great time :)